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Herondo Street/Harbor Drive Gateway Improvement Project



“Designing a link from the Hermosa Beach “Strand” to Redondo Beach’s Marina District complex not only improved accessibility for bicyclists and pedestrians, it also allowed for aesthetic and safety enhancements. The City of Redondo Beach and Stantec Consulting collaborated to realize an important and award winning community connection by transforming two important roadways in the City of Redondo Beach.
Using many innovative features, Harbor Drive was narrowed in width by nearly 20 feet (two travel lanes) to provide for a bikeway that is physically separated from the roadway. The bikeway design incorporates innovative design features, including colored asphalt and reverse angle parking. The design also provides bicycle traffic signals to separate heavy through bicycle flows from turning vehicles at intersections.

The project includes a Welcome Park, replacing the existing wall that encumbered the bicycle link between Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach. The new Welcome Park was constructed over a former city parking lot and reduced the existing parking supply. To maintain or exceed the current level of parking in the coastal area, reverse angle parking was implemented along Herondo Street to make up the shortfall.

Converting the City’s parking lot to a gateway Welcome Park reduces the area of impervious surface and storm water runoff, with additional measures incorporated to further manage storm water runoff. The project effectively meets or advances many sustainability goals.

Placemaking is advanced for active transportation visitors to the Redondo Beach Pier and public areas along the project route (the King Harbor area). The Welcome Park at the project’s north end creates a new assembly and rest area for trail users and opportunities to learn about special resources available nearby. Assessing new activity levels will confirm how this project has activated the area.

The project currently serves 2,000-4,000 active transportation users per day, depending the day of the week and weather conditions. Usage is approximately double pre-existing levels. The City’s population is 90,000, with 200,000 residents within 5 miles. The project is credited with reactivating the corridor, enhancing public facilities beyond the project limits, and is a significant contribution to regional bicycling and active transportation needs. “
