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Bayside Drive Improvements


Transportation Project


This $3.5M project involved improvements to a scenic four-lane roadway that provides the main access to multiple neighborhoods and to Promontory Bay in the bustling coastal city of Newport Beach. The corridor carries approximately 14,000 average daily traffic and experiences a high volume of bicycles and pedestrians. The project includes improvements to the east Pacific Coast Highway (EPCH) intersection, traffic calming elements, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, landscaping and aesthetics, and pavement rehabilitation.

This arterial now accommodates current levels of daily traffic and future expected traffic growth - ultimately reducing wait time and travel time to local neighborhoods, attractions, businesses and the Back Bay. Existing tree cover was maintained, and additional landscaping was installed to further beautify the corridor. A decorative crosswalk design resembling ocean waves was installed at the intersection with Jamboree Road.

Additionally, this active community will benefit from the increased connectivity to popular local destinations as well as mobility, access, and safety improvements for bicyclists and pedestrians.

Mark Thomas provided engineering services for this project that included traffic calming measures to increase safety, as well as landscape elements to beautify this scenic drive along Promontory Bay.