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Fix the 10: Initial Repairs for Reopening


Outstanding Emergency Response Project


A section of I-10, also known as the Santa Monica Freeway, sustained damage and remained closed in both directions near Alameda Street in downtown Los Angeles for duration of 8 days. The incident occurred shortly after midnight on Saturday, November 11th, 2023, when the Los Angeles Fire Department responded to reports of a fire at a storage yard containing pallets, trailers, vehicles, and exposed buildings. The blaze covered approximately 80,000 square feet, prompting a response from over 160 firefighters. Much of the fire was extinguished within three hours.

The damage assessment revealed discoloration, spalling, and cracking of concrete, as well as exposed reinforcement and delamination in columns, soffit, girders, and barriers. Distortion of bearing pads on the off-ramp and loss of joint seal were also identified. To address the extensive damage to columns, a temporary shoring system was planned to support transient and permanent loads on bridges until repairs could be completed.

Within the first two days, a total of 154 truckloads, equivalent to 1003.7 tons, of debris were removed from the site. Simultaneously, shoring was constructed and installed with the bridge repair work scheduled into multiple independent stages to ensure safety and integrity. The initial stage focused on column repair (65 columns), followed by subsequent stages addressing other bridge components.

After just eight days, temporary shoring was installed using 870,000 pounds of beams, posts, and steel in preparation for reopening. Concurrently, all damaged bridge railings were replaced, and burnt electrical items were repaired. These efforts were part of a meticulous process to restore functionality and safety to the affected section of the freeway.